Is It Enough to Just Be You?

Is It Enough to Just Be You?

There are days we wish our lives could be better. We wake up, get dressed and most probably read through horoscope apps we have on our phones or flip straight to the horoscope section in the newspaper. In hopes of what? For a sign or a sneak peak of what may happen in the future, good or bad, to make us feel a tiny bit better, if at all. I honestly do that sometimes to see if it was a good day to make important calls to clients or ask someone out on a date.

Sometimes these things influence us subconsciously or consciously in big ways. You pick up the phone to call someone and you hang up because someone somewhere in this world wrote that all Capricorns should lessen their interaction today.

We often lose ourselves to all these petty things, not just horoscopes, but other things as well. We want to be a wanderlust, be slimmer, smarter or happier. We forget to shut the noises in our heads and breathe, to tell ourselves that it’s OK that we have made mistakes, it’s OK that the person you had a crush on said No to you. Its OK, it’s their loss; you were probably destined to meet someone better. It’s OK that you didn’t get through something today, try again tomorrow, the day after, the following month, keep trying.

We must know how far we have come and how hard we have struggled to be here in this very moment, to still be alive to wake up every morning – even next to your cat, or the person you love. Every breath is so precious.

Embrace the challenges, let the wounds remind you of the lessons that have sailed you this far and how they were the very essence that molded you to become an amazing being with so much strength within.

My article today is not to tell you how to run your life, it’s just a small reminder, whoever you may be, that you are special. So don’t be too hard on yourself, dream big, love, live, laugh and please give yourself a pat on the back and tell yourself that it’s okay to be you because there’s no one else like you in this whole universe. Every journey is different but unique in its own ways.

Marilyn Monroe said that “Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.”

I think she’s right. 😉


  • kar mun

    Imperfection so that the work of god may reflect on one’s life. For the past mistakes we cannot chase but to forward in life with hope that God has given. Give thanks on all cicumstances. Life let it go and let it be.

  • Rameshwaran

    Good read…conclusion Be yourself ..We don’t need to change our-self for others just to make others happy and we within become sad…live life the fullest..:)

  • Manminder

    Very well said Bavani! The article has inspired me in many ways, especially the part when we shouldn’t be too hard on ourselves! At the end it does matter how it ends, it’s how well we lived!


    I were a workaholic once. My business is such where you need to wake up at 2.30 am everyday without fail. I enjoy 4 days holiday per year. Yes. I am a newspaper agent. My sight is very narrow , where only thing in my mind is work, money, debts, work again. What ever in this article written by bavani veeriah so accurate. Dont be harsh on yourself. Learn see things beyond money and career. If you like to do something. Just plan it and do it. Time waits for no one. Travel, backpack, hike a mountain, go white water rafting, bungee jump, what ever it takes to make your soul alive. Changes is never easy. I fought for 4 years to change my routine. Though we cant change it 100% because commitment n family depending on it. At least i made small changes. I’m hiking mount PULAG in Philippines next month. I have travel 3 country in 1 year. Maybe celebrate songkran in thai on april. GOD BLESS. Thank u very much Bavani veeriah for this awesome/fantastic article. I’m touched. Life is not how many time we breath, it is how many time it takes our breath away.

  • Daseena

    Amazing article…

  • Raina

    Yes, i totally agree! Have always tried to remind myself of these things to keep myself going. Sometimes we tend to forget to give ourselves a pat on the back. Thank u for this reminder. ?

  • Syaheenaz

    We tend to lose sight of this! Great reminder Bav

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